The power of languages and their footprints
Languages just tell us where we come from and how we all are linked and how we same coming from the same root. How this word that means home in this language can leave its footprint on a so specific English word that describes a kind of online business model. what word? I was able to use this game I showed you and ask you to tell me this word but I will just give you that.
The word is
I can ask you what language I am talking about and tell you that I asked a friend who is very good at engineering structures of buildings and who speaks English better than me how words are compounded to form new words with new meaning. Wanted to know more about it because of all this Cognitive Science Algorithm I am working on and all these Cognitive Science Experiences did to learn how our brain works and how this can help us understand who we are, how to make better actions, and how to fix our pain both psychologically and medically.