From Talk show about a book to online searches


We had already seen that TV program drives online searches in search engines like Google or Bing or DuckDuckGo ….

Here I just show you another example of a book that was highlighted in a french Talk show the last Saturday.

Laurent Ruquier a french Talk show producer

Here this the book that gets talked about in this talk show

Ivan Jablonka, un garcon comme vous et moi

When you look at the trend of the searches for this author, you clearly see that this talk show led to searches on google.

here is the trend’s curve

Google trend Ivan Jablonka

This other book was also discussed in this talk show

Here is the google trend for the second author

Christopher Bourseiller google trend

a third one

Laurent Ruquier presenting a book

here the google trend

search term la poudriere google trend

Tv talkShows lead to online searches. Go outsource this. I already did

