Crowd controlled game character
What if it is the first RPG with a crowd controlled character? what if millions of players online behind their screens can control the same character making it move and act in an open world? how do you think the character would take decisions? will it be a democratic statistic driven decision-making process? how about the game mechanics and interactions? what if my startup embed… provides you this in-game live communication system that allows players to communicate? What if the operating system can run on top of your game or your video player?
I heard professor Andrew Tanenbaum talking about the bad design of today's operating systems and how unlike TV they are so complicated with updates and software to install. Yesterday I just figured out that computers or Os should be built on top of TV systems. That’s kind of strange but it is the best design choice for user experience. Past things are not outdated because they are not actual but they become outdated if we cannot get benefits from them.
PS: there is still something to do with Alex Kidd