the Thank You Headquarter

Diop Papa Makhtar
2 min readJan 29, 2021
google search of headquarter of high tech company

because I just had forgotten to say something very important in my preceding article which was an important one. I am writing this one to say Thank You. Thank You to God and to all my supporters. to complete the preceding article about the game maps and brands asking what if like command and conquer you could defend your brand headquarter from competitors because that’s what business Is all about now? what if it is a social and embed network effect? what brands will thrive and what will dye and when? how such events can be designed to bring more players and more brands? brand owners recruit now gamers? what about war business? what about apple Vs Microsoft? what about lift VS uber? what about all these combinations of two brands and all the interactions and metrics and content that will be produced and streamed

a blank paper is a really interesting game map baseground there is an opportunity to make the more serious games. I am so hesitating to call this game by fear of seeing some rate it badly because they still think that game is for young and even young don't learn with games because they may be seeing someone like me who used to play video games and who is still a strange and poor man.

I just listened to this Techcrunch podcast yesterday and heard the bubble of GameStop. I just consumed it and skip it because I was working on game industry concepts days before. Rade this great research paper that was about the network effect in the social trading platform and how overspreading of social information makes traders base their decision on the decision of other traders and how this leads to the mean-reverting process and how it doesn't produce great traders. all of this is about how ideas spread very long time interested in how the network effect happens since my entrepreneurial experience in the stock markets with all these innovative trading algorithms and high-profit investments generators and financial network systems I hold. I pinpointed you already an example of a financial bubble with this graph. if you know the bubble sort algorithm you may also know this strange algorithm.

what if it is a war of billions? what if we use billions like ammunition of g…

Thank You go click these to link above please

