TechCrunch and search engines

Diop Papa Makhtar
3 min readJan 11, 2021


TechCrunch and google search trend

Here is the trend of the keyword « Jumbotail« between January 4 2021 and January 11, 2021. The data is worldwide

Jumboail google keyword trend

Here the data for the USA

Jumboail google keyword trend for the USA

You can clearly see that the trend for this keyword increase after January 8, 2021. This increase is caused by an article posted in Techcrunch about Jumbotail which is an Indian startup. This article was about the raising of money for this startup which is the event that made people search about this startup.

So it is a clear fact that tells that one article published in TechCrunch can lead to an increase in the search volume of a keyword related to this article.

For this example the TechCrunch article is

The Techcrunch Article that impacted the google keyword trend

Nexus Venture Partners was one of the investment companies that backed this startup. This company also was searched by internet users as you can see in the following keyword trend chart.

Nexus venture partners google keyword trend

The peak of the search trend of the keyword nexus venture partners expected to be caused by the investment news posted on Techcrunch.

The same search behavior is also seen for the investment event relayed by TechCrunch days before this of Jumbotail. This news was posted on January 6, 2021

Here is the change in keyword search trend

udaan startup keyword trend

Also as TechCrunch embed related article in the middle of the content of and article like this

Techcrunch article embedded in another related article impact also keyword trend

The reading of the first article about Jumbotail funding reboosted the reading of the article on Udaan funding that led to another increase in the trend of the search term Udaan that you can see in the chart below.

Udaan keyword google trend

The startup community knows well the TechCrunch effect but there is another idea behind this.

News drives search as real-life discussions do.



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