Search engine algorithms and content linked list or graph.

Diop Papa Makhtar
2 min readJan 2, 2021


If the content you are pointing to extends your content, yours become more valuable and get more weights in the search engine algorithm. It is to help to know what content extend yours and point to those content. For fixing dead links Deadlink try also to find relevant content that can take the place of the dead content that why finding content extension mattered and ended being this system that analyzes the chain of content like linked lists of programming languages and graph and discovered content graph topology played a role on search algorithms and how they score them but more got also a way to use them for building better search ranking algorithms and content discovery. Just by committing to do something that provides any revenue which is trying to fix 404 pages and make all internet links working while others tried to get you to click and pay what I also do better than them but mission first revenue after. Mission first! revenue after! can be the title of a new «rant or short-form article like this one and others about tech, business, product design, system thinking, and software engineering and because I already posted one title audience first and product or services after. all fields matter for useful economical, industrial, and technical products, services, and process innovation.

Topology is a mathematical filed with lot of interesting theories, proof and open problems that you should learn. It is also great field that help know the shape of the world. I used it to plan an international financial communication network that link two continent popping from country to country until reaching a financial marketplace with the goal of making the network latency slow because speed always matter in financial market where 1 microsecond loosed can be millions of dollar loosed. Thank you God because I was always a winner and I still one. And happy new year by the way.



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