Outdated Talents Discovery Process

Diop Papa Makhtar
4 min readJan 10, 2021


The talent discovery process of all companies even the tech-driven ones are outdated and lack strongly the ability to discover skilled and talented people that could make their businesses better by bringing them more innovative products and services, more customers, and more money while helping them make a better social and environmental impact on this world. How could you discover talent with resumes? I believe I do have a good one but I at the same time believe that this never will highlight all the facets of skills and talents I have the opportunity to master and acquire because what they are, acquirable. Acquirable like all these

I had the chance to work early in big banks and companies and this allowed me to be early in touch with complex tech stack, architecture, and processes and know what matters most when time and money are the two key elements of improvement that are tight to the companies results. They almost are for every organization but banks and investment companies sense it more because they trade and make a profit with a microsecond timeframe scale.

I am glad to have the chance to confront such time constrained tech infrastructure and all the technical and human processes needed to make them more efficient and profitable. Profitable is the most significant word for banks. Is it for your company? I was young but I played a major role in projects some ended successfully but one ended with a 4 billion loss scandal and possible bailout. I got into this not because I was early but because I was a talented and skilled student who early got the virus of computers and internet and disbelieved the academic and administrative process of the country where he was studying and with the early knowledge he had in computer science entered the corporate business environment and learned with because just by chance I had the chance with internet to connect with two great talents and head hunters with a nice and skilled woman like their assistant. Technology now can increase this chance of talent discovery but all companies are doing it wrong because they don't see themself as connections makers and don't use the internet as a connections engine.

Companies of every size are losing everyday opportunities to connect with great talented people that could make them more successful. The drama is that each part is looking for the other part but there is nothing done by who old the power to make the connection happens. The less powerful part often ended up disrupting them with a lot of effort of braining, conceptualizing, and experimenting ideas that end being innovative product and services that blow away the ones big companies were trying hard to improve.

Internal growth and external growth are two concepts that entrepreneurs, business key holders, and decision-makers should reconsider relearning because technology changed a lot the way they should be seen, designed, and executed. But I already told you that companies are blinded by a hard and difficult economical time period. The economy is a periodical concept it will always be like that. That’s about fluctuations but I like to say that it is better to say that it is about the dynamics of change. Seen like that everything can be included in it even our own life that you and I can clearly see how it is being impacted by it. So I know what I say when I say that the Talent Discovery process of all companies is outdated I could just say has changed but the situation is so critical for these companies that outdated is the best choice.

Hey, I like and know a lot about Dynamical systems and I started in bank IT support and change management team transited to figuring out support and resistance lines of stocks ending playing a major role in designing high-speed trading algorithms and latency optimized networks systems custom-designed for gaining speed advantage and to be risk safe and they were everyday profitable. By underrating theory we valued so much synthesis and simplification of things too much that we just end up guessing who to hire and hoping that with just a pile of resume and some interviews we could onboard the next bill gates, steve job, Alan Turing, or Albert Einstein when we weren't boring ourselves connecting people that share an interest and passion in something that we care about or around which we just make business. If you are trying to build this team that can make your business great while arent you connecting great people and help them share and discuss common interesting topics like this one event

Solvay conference

but no we increase noise by planning and handling events slack and conferencing with ZOOM while we could connect with this talented person right there at some mile of fiber optic cable who has the solution to our business problem.

Solway solved a lot of problems just because someone tried hard to make great people meet and discuss. be a company or be a human being whatever you are, you are a connections maker.



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