From PageRank to PersonRank and usage in the digital marketplaces

Diop Papa Makhtar
2 min readJun 20, 2020


A lot is already said about PageRank and how it shaped the World Wide Web and economy of the world making searching knowledge and products easy. The thing is that people are almost out of the concern of today's search engine it’s always about products and content. The content is so put at the core of the system that we have reached the asymptotic point of content saturation. What if we tried to rank people not to say that this one is better or worse than this other but taking persons at the core of online search? I mean privileging content and things are done online and offline by the passionate people who do things with care. Social media like Facebook or LinkedIn or the others highlighted this possibility with the social graph. I think a lot is to be done for focusing search engine to people characteristic not the number of links, visits ….. Focusing search on valuable persons who are making things better and better and helping people to raise their social status while making this world a better place of freedom and liberty and prosperity. I am not promoting a system of influence where biased 10 persons will be on the first page of search results of Google or its peers. But a search engine given a set of keywords will output the best persons to follow to have the best information which turns around these keywords. It is just a simple stupid example to show how a search engine can be about people, not pages I hope when someone will input CON, he will not get this result here

This article is about search engine you should know that Search Engine is a component of a marketplace or market networks but as it would be a search engine for finding people and things you can see why I am trying to see how we can benefit from today’s search engine framework for building a search engine that targets this goal of finding the right persons for our needs expressed in keywords or natural language.



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