Embedded for speed optimization

Diop Papa Makhtar
2 min readJan 21, 2021

It is better if this can be embedded in any website making them faster and smarter. It is better if it helps all websites that embedded it meet the specs of the new google search algorithms. Embeddable technologies are ones of the next great things. Keeping the existing tech stacks and process and plugging in them this thing that will wrap them and make them go faster, be new. Smooth change is better because it is done without stressing the impacted people that do have habits that they won’t leave easily. As a tech innovator who is bringing a new thing you should know that early adopters can handle frictional changes but to enter the mass market you should reduce friction and exploit analogy to make people knows that they are not risking big. Successfully onboarded early adopters can help you with the task of educating mass audience if your product has a medium that makes it spread from the early adopters to the mass. In one of my last article, I said that the name of the venture will be emded… a venture playing with third party and real-time tech ideas. This is a product of embed… that let websites owners have faster, smarter and search engines updates OK website with just one simple line of code embedded.

A Google algorithm update is coming in may 2021, with this you are sure to not lose traffic. In fact you will win with this.

