Connected with the right real entities and the right AI agents
Being connected is something many of us want and it’s more than a need because we all know how much pains we could solve by being connected with the right persons and entities able to provide the support assets that could help us get out of much of the pains affecting us. Real Connection is a pain reliever if we are connected with the right persons or/and organizations. Still, curiously and unfortunately this kind of valuable connection is really hard to get now that it has never been so easy to get to see and talk with someone being kilometers of miles and fiber optics far from us. Adding to that is the fact that there are so many opportunities for connecting with others and many wanting us to connect with them in order to sell us something or to promote something. This makes us live in a noisy world where choosing who to connect with becomes harder and harder without telling how much our attention span has been reduced but I really prefer this noisy digital world to this real one around me where you have no means to mute someone like how you can with twitter or other social media. Perhaps putting on a headphone and listening to someone with whom I am digitally connected with could help in this instance but how could we live in a world where nobody cares about his or her most close environment?
Everybody wants to be seen that’s a natural and psychological trait that often helps us realize the reality of our own existence which in turn makes us more motivated to pursue what’s already a hard life but I don't think that the world wide web is designed for us to be seen but for us to see what internet platforms want us to us to see, products and services and for sure sometime good and entering people if spend the time to filter out all the noisy commercial assets coming from all these revenue based content and connection discovery algorithms.
sound like this short article is turning itself into a rant again the internet of products and services while I had spent this day connecting with a group of interesting African entrepreneurs trying to build successful startups in AI and IoT, startups that I hope will not be about selling things at all cost but about solving people problem like the need of connecting with people and organizations that raise our social status and make us feel more responsible and respected human whose opinions, ideas, works and life balance is really taken into account by the whole society in which he or she is part of.
When for me the world wide web was almost only about, by then it looked like a very interesting and quiet space known by people whose faces were hidden behind screens and fancy usernames but now that everybody’s real names and faces are on everybody else screens the internet remain still this interesting place it was but I think it has lost its quietness and a bit of its meaningfulness due to the many scammers and spammers armed with bots and digital asset created to fool people and make them buy things they not necessarily need. It’s in this space of quietness and meaningfulness that I think generative AI solutions like chatGPT could tap into because for the first time since search engines like Google, internet users have now more power over the machines, I mean internet users now command the ongoing digital conversation asking and talking with what I hope will be a smart algorithm programmed to be the most perfect human assistant able to help in many kinds of situation.
while writing this article I got a real connection, I mean someone coming into my room as office asking for software and bits of tech advice that required that I stop my writing while being digitally connected with someone else whose video published on youtube was in the background of my medium editor. One of the magic of the internet is that because unlike in real life, we got to decide with whom we want to connect given that we are not the subject of a scam scheme involving bots pretending to be humans this leads me to my most important fear that is seeing artificial intelligence becomes exploited by spammers and scammers as well as interruption marketers willing to get something out of our pockets. Mine is empty actually but if this happens the world wide web would be a very difficult place to deal with because AI is actually very smart at doing useful hard things and this seems to prove that it will be easier for it to do many bad things if we the AI designer and AI engineers and AI artists decide to make it act like that.
I hope that we will instead design, build, and operates AI solutions that solve people's pains and entertain them.