Cognitive ease, exposure effect, and brand names
It is good to remember that a brand is not a logo neither a name. it is more likely to be the story that people tell themselves when they engage with you, your service or product but for sure a simple remarkable easy to pronounce name can help you fix your brand into the brain of your audience. cognitive science has discovered that name of stocks or stickers easy to pronounce outperformed the ones that are hard to pronounce in their first days of introduction. Professor Jazonc made an experiment with the student journal of the University of Michigan by showing ads with Turkish words to students. He discovered that the Turkish words that were more displayed were judged by the students as more good. This is what he called the mere exposure effect. We already know that showing up with our work matters but with the mere exposure effect we also know that we should show up with consistency, I mean frequency. Showing up every day will just raise our status and help us be seen as good. That’s what brand marketing is now all about showing up frequently by losing a lot of money paying ads placement and gaining, in the long run, this favorable judgment due to the number of times people saw the ads. If you spend money on ads and expect to get results right now you have for sure a bad strategy and will bankrupt. Ads are for brand marketers that have a big financial surface to keep showing up until the mere exposure effect applies but be sure to have a minimum viable product to market. If you don’t have this financial surface target a minimum viable audience and try to find channels to reach this audience with the minimum amount of money. Whatever your side is, brand marketer or bootstrapper, “keep showing up” is a mantra like I do with all these short-form articles I post.