Book reading Experience - the reBoot

Books are dead long life to books. The ebook which is a book in its digital form is now king with amazon kindle, nook and all these reader apps but even ebook readership is decreasing. That was only a small part of the population who was reading books. Lot of us stopped reading after school and year by year readers base size keep going down. I think it is time to think book in whatever form it is as part of a whole more complex experience. I think this new book reading experience could exploit all these tech stacks to make reading more attractive and more rewarding for both the two part of this "dying" ( " amazon still make more than 5 billion in books sales ) sector.
Trying to rethink and redesign both book publishing and reading experience. This is a Big challenge but I love books and I learn so much with that I do believe that we can make this experience better.
Let’s reBoot books togheter!

