If Answering Questions is a Scientific Quest then Writing also is
Answering questions is one of the most rated goals of science certainly not about impressing others with the broadness of our set of knowledge or our abilities to do things. As answering questions is one of the goals of all scientific quest then paying attention to questions even those whose answer seems obvious is a critical posture for any scientist willing to make a great contribution. Thankfully there are many scientists who paid enough attention to questions that we ask ourselves and this posture allowed them to find answers to these questions which are most of the time complicated while being an important piece of darkness to lighten for our society to progress and for our life to be easier. That’s how we succeeded at finding important drugs that delay the extinction of humanity which would be very likely if we were left alone with pandemic flaws like the coronavirus that we experienced in 2021 -2022.
A society that takes care of scientists is a society that will thrive and get power over not only mother nature but also over other forms of society that don't value science. if we think it differently we could say that science is what differentiates us from animals but this should not incline us to underestimate the animal reign because if we look closely we could be impressed by how some animals do naturally what has required years of search of understanding how natural elements work. How much time have we spent creating efficient HVAC systems when we now know that ants build efficient HVAC systems with the help of carefully engineered tunnel systems that exploit the dynamics of heat what they may know how to do way before we get to need them? This example of ants help us see how living in a particular environment conditions the kind of questions we seek to answer that’s why once we started living and working in tall buildings and flying at high altitude we had to find ways to get regulated air to breathe.
Then given what I have tried to express in the preceding paragraph one might say that it’s a beneficial advantage for a scientist to live in hard environments where there are many problems that lead to many questions to ask. Being in an underdeveloped country has this beneficial advantage because the many problems around force you to figure out answers in order to survive but surprisingly underdeveloped countries most of the time don't benefit from this advantage because of a lack of sharing of bits of answers. when resources are scarce and life is set as competitive space everything like a simple answer to a question becomes a competitive advantage held secretly while the whole society would get better if this answer was shared but for getting a piece of advantage often used to satisfy basic physiological needs or for getting increased status, the answer holder decides to use this answer as a transactional element what’s bring more resistance in the flow and spreading of knowledge when we all know the impact of the diffusion of knowledge on the global progress of a society. If each of us sees himself as a teacher trying to get others to know what he knows as true and useful then society could only improve over time but instead of that teaching is taken as an industry a mean for getting money. If you don't pay for it you will not know it. The web is one of the breakers of this situations thanks to people who without getting financial advantage from their act decide to share know with people they don't know, people like me who are kilometers away from them, by talking and writing in any kind of platforms like video streaming platforms and social media. the spreading of knowledge is now almost free from resistance what’s needed now is a clear way to filter good answers from bad ones and efficient ways of knowledge management.
You have seen how often this article used the word knowledge when it’s about the scientific quest of getting answers to questions. Knowledge is something often associated with science but like what a scientist should do I am asking this question is is there really a relationship between science and knowledge? I don’t know if you have some bit to share you are welcome.
there is another this other observation I have made along the way of writing this article which is the relationship between the work Quest and the word Wauiton that is the fact that the word Quesition is made of the word Quest + the postfix ION. I remarked that the postfix ION is often used to describe things that have a small scale (Think of Ions in atoms) what makes me think that QUESTION may mean a small quest but I might be wrong in thinking that. If you have some thoughts about this observation let me know but seeing it I thought about this effect of small wins that I have been wearing about in this article entitled the happy neuron what could get us to this conclusion that answering a question is about getting small wins and getting small winds increase our confidence what makes more motivated to approach our next quest.
I don't know if these words will be helpful to you but you could take them as an accomplished quest that is about getting small wins writing everyday. Maybe along the way I have answered some questions and asked others in which way this could be taken as a scientific quest. I do think and believe that writing is a scientific quest. Do you?